Story 15 Diabetes (08-27-2007)

I was given medications for diabetes for three years by western doctors due to fatigue and the three times of abnormal result of the test of blood sugar which remained 260-280. However, the medicine did not work obviously on me. Recommended by a friend, I went to see Dr. Fu. He gave me a careful examination. After receiving the treatment of acupuncture and herbal medicine for twice, my blood sugar became normal. In order to control my blood sugar, I have been continuously taking the medicine he has been prescribing for me. For two years, my blood sugar has been staying normal and I have been enjoying good health. In addition, I have been very cheerful. I am really grateful to Dr. Fu for his marvelous medical treatment. Sincerely Gene

Dr. XING FU, PH.D., L.Ac.
State Licensed Acupuncturist Over 40 Years Experience Acupuncutre Special Herbs
Address1:5300 Geary Blvd.Suites 315 (Between 17th & 18th Ave.) San Francisco, CA 94121
Address2:800 California ST,#120 Mountain View, CA 94041