Case 40: Migraine-head problem (5-19-1999)

Mrs. Huang had been suffered from serious headache for 4 years. Due to the chronic pain, her left eyelid dropped, and left mouth was askew. She experienced severe pain for several times every day, along with tearing. She came from Malaysia to America and visited Dr. Fu. After receiving 13 times of acupuncture and herb treatments from Dr. Fu, she completely recovered. Mrs. Huang

Dr. XING FU, PH.D., L.Ac.
State Licensed Acupuncturist Over 40 Years Experience Acupuncutre Special Herbs
Address1:5300 Geary Blvd.Suites 315 (Between 17th & 18th Ave.) San Francisco, CA 94121
Address2:800 California ST,#120 Mountain View, CA 94041