Case 23: Shoulder arthritis

Two years ago, the pain on my left shoulder got worse. I could move my left shoulder nor lift my left hand up. My family doctor said it was shoulder arthritis, and an operation was needed to solve my problem. I was afraid of having an operation, but western medicines did not work at all. Finally, my friend Lily got me to Dr. Fu’s office. After two professional acupuncture therapies, I could move my shoulder and lift my hand up a little bit! I totally had 12 therapies, and my shoulder was completely healed. The arthritis is gone, I can easily lift my hand over my head. Acupuncture therapy is so amazing! Dr. Fu is such a great professional! I really appreciate his help. Anna

Dr. XING FU, PH.D., L.Ac.
State Licensed Acupuncturist Over 40 Years Experience Acupuncutre Special Herbs
Address1:5300 Geary Blvd.Suites 315 (Between 17th & 18th Ave.) San Francisco, CA 94121
Address2:800 California ST,#120 Mountain View, CA 94041