Case 21:Lumbar disc protrusion and sciatica (1-15-2009)

I had chronic lumbar pain and lumbar disc protrusion for 10 years. On the day before yesterday, I accidentally fell from my bed to the floor when I was sleeping. When I tried to get up from the floor, I could not move, and I felt sharp and unbearable pain from my low back. Meanwhile, my right thigh became a little bit numb. Yesterday, I could not walk. When I felt depressed and hopeless, my colleague told me to visit Dr. Fu at San Francisco. I went to Dr. Fu’s office, and he asked me for my medical history and checked my low back with patience and care. Later on, he used professional technique to accurately reposition my twisted lumbar and cured sciatica with acupuncture therapy. After the first acupuncture therapy, my lumbar pain was relieved a lot. I had totally 32 therapies in order to erase the pain. After the treatment, my lumbar disc protrusion was healed, and I can walk and work without pain. My low back is still great after two years, and there is no relapse. Shinley

Dr. XING FU, PH.D., L.Ac.
State Licensed Acupuncturist Over 40 Years Experience Acupuncutre Special Herbs
Address1:5300 Geary Blvd.Suites 315 (Between 17th & 18th Ave.) San Francisco, CA 94121
Address2:800 California ST,#120 Mountain View, CA 94041